A New Beginning

        Hello everyone, my name is Blake Richard, and I am thrilled to announce that I am the Ducks Unlimited Intern that will be assisting the U.S. Forest Service on the Dusky Canada Goose Artificial Nest Island Program here in Cordova, Alaska. The project is based out of the Cordova Ranger District in the Chugach National Forest which is home to the Copper River Delta. I am originally from Park Falls, Wisconsin and currently a student at Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin where I play basketball and baseball. My passion of photography led me to find this position and pursue it. If you'd like to find out more about me, you can check out my website, blakerichardphotography.com. I arrived in Cordova on the 24th of April and began on the 25th, after I just finished finals at Northland on the 22nd. Not the smoothest transition, but excited for what the future holds! I'll be announcing more about the project in the near future. Once again, welcome, and thank you for following my journey here in Cordova. 


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